Matthew McCormick


Concept Statement:
The theme of crystallize concurs images of geometry and articulating surfaces. Inspired by raw precious materials, this multifaceted sculptural piece derives its namesake for the ancient Greek term for 12; and subtle nod to the number of its facetted sides.

Project Specs:
At 36" in diameter, this piece is handmade out of mild steel before it is plated with the desired finish. Energy efficient LEDs are its primary light source.

Matthew's mind sees the potential in everything around him. Inspired by shape and form, intrigued about composition and considerate of the impact of design, each of his creations is an expression of well informed vision and a finely tuned technical understanding of engineering and manufacturing. By working collaboratively with designers and architects, he creates lighting as unique a space itself. From a simple, stand-alone fixture to large-scale illuminated art installations, each piece and project is well considered and consciously created. With the ability to take a simple idea and shape it into a compelling installation, his dedication to curiosity forms his process, material manipulation and conceptualization.

As a philosophy, he believes that it’s not the sum of the parts – it’s the intrinsic value of how they’re put together.


Country of Origin:
Vancouver, Canada