Randall Zieber


Concept Statement:
Alabaster is the name used to denote gypsum stone in its’ harder and higher quality form that can be worked or sculpted into decorative and functional objects. Because of its natural beauty and translucence, alabaster has been used in such applications as windows in ancient times, to some of the lighting we see today.

The alabaster that is used for this project comes from alabaster nodules, which are large crystals in the form of very round boulders dug up from the earth. I wanted to take these big round crystals that look just like regular boulders and transform them into smaller angular and faceted forms which would be more recognizable as what we would consider a crystal-like form. Then I put LED lights inside to show off the translucency of the stone.

Project Specs:
Each of these “crystals” was carved and polished from a small piece of Italian alabaster using hand held tools, and copper was added as a decorative element. The shape of each object is not preplanned, but the angles and facets are created during the carving process, allowing for spontaneity and randomness.  A complete light can consist of one individual pendant, or a larger configuration of many pendants.

Randy Zieber first studied electronics, and after working in that field for a few years went back to university to study business. While still in school he started his own business supplying materials to sculptors. In his free time he enjoys making art in a range of materials, however he especially loves to carve stone, and recently to try his hand at designing lighting and other products.

Country of Origin:
Vancouver, Canada